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The Atomic Mass.

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Q: When you substitute the unit of grams for amu you obtain what of compound?
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Why is grams the unit of volume?

Grams is NOT a unit of volume. It is a unit of weight or mass.

How can the density of a liquid be measured?

The definition of density is mass per unit volume. Thus, you measure the volume of a liquid in mls, and then weight that volume in grams. You thus obtain grams/volume, and that is the density expressed as grams per ml.

What is a compound's smallest unit usually called?

If it is a molecular compound, the smallest unit is called a molecule. If it is an ionic compound, the smallest unit is called a formula unit.

What is the smallest unit of molecular compound?

Smallest unit of a compound is a molecule.

How do you find the molar mass of a compound using the periodic table?

1) Get the chemical formula to determine the number of each type of atom present in the compound. 2) Multiply the atomic weight (get it from the periodic table) of each element by the number of atoms of that element present your specific compound 3) Do the Sum in unit grams/mole NaCl (1x23 grams/mole Na) + (1x 35.5 grams/mole Cl) = 58.5 grams/mole NaCl

Is a shoe a kilogram or a gram?

What is the unit of shoes? Grams or kilograms

Are grams smaller then kilograms?

Yes, the unit grams is smaller than the unit kilograms.

The smallest unit into which a compound can be divided and still be that same compound is a(n)?

This unit is a molecule.

What is the smallest identifiable unit of a compound is a which is made up of?

For covalently bonded particles, the smallest identifiable unit of a compound is a molecule. For ionic compounds, the smallest identifiable unit of a compound is a formula unit.

What is smallest unit of a compound that still has the properties of the compound is called a(n)?

The smallest unit of a compound is a molecule (MOLL-uh-kule)

Are grams and pints the same?

no, grams are a measurement unit of weight and pints are a measurement unit of volume

How Convert kilometers to grams?

No, you cannot because kilometers are a unit of distance and grams are a unit of weight.