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Nothing. Be proud of your baby no matter of the color of his skin. If he is happy and healthy you are a lucky mom.

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Q: When your baby has dark skin what can you use to lighten his skin?
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uh use lighten dye?

What can i buy to help lighten dark elbows?

There are several products available on the market to lighten dark elbows.Meladerm is for skin lightening in general but you can choose to use it only on your elbows. The product has great reviews, delivers results in about 2 weeks and they offer a 30 day guarantee.Daggett and Ramsdell have a cream specifically for elbows and knees.If you want a natural alternative, lemon juice works really to lighten dark patches of skin.

Can a sweatrash on your thighs bruise?

It may not be bruises but discoloration of the skin. Cocoa butter cream will lighten up the dark spots if you use it on a regular basis.

Does lotion lighten skin?

if you use whitening lotion

How will your baby's skin tone be if there parents are light skin and dark skin?

Foster good habit in child to use sunscreen while going out.

Can MSM lighten skin color?

Yes, MSM will lighten the skin color. However, it will do so permanently. It is not recommended that you use MSM for skin lightening unless you speak to your physician first.

How do you use hydrogen peroxide to remove dark spots on your skin?

To use hydrogen peroxide to remove dark spots on your skin, you will have to buy hydrogen peroxide that is sold in your local beauty supply store. Apply it to the dark spots and let it sit for several minutes. No more than ten. Rinse it off and over the course of a few days, the spots should lighten.

What do black celebrities use on their skin to lighten it?

With dangerous creams with chemicals that burn.

Can baking soda lighten dark spots on face or body and can I use it on daily basis How to use baking soda as recipe for this purpose?

Baking soda can be used to lighten dark spots on face or body, but should not be used on a daily basis.

How do you get rid of dark skin on toes?

Lemon Juice ^_^ Dab on a little lemon juice every day - that should lighten up the skin. But be careful, if you are/part African or dark Hispanic or really dark anything for that matter - you can bleach your skin. So if you have dark brown - black(ish) skin, pay attention to your skin color after uses and how often you use lemon juice.

Does honey make your skin lighter?

No. It doesn't do anything to lighten the skin. I use honey everyday and would nearly invisible by now if it did.

Do mixture of lemon and glycerin lighten skin?

Yes, a mixture of lemon and glycerin can be an easy herbal homemade choice. It can be uses as a moisturizing lotion to lighten complexion and make the skin soft and glowing. Use it in place of a night cream.