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When hre child is born with the chromosomes

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14y ago
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14y ago

It takes place during Meiosis when the chromesomes from the mother and father are halved and mixed.

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Q: When do parents pass inherited traits to their offspring?
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What are traits that parents pass on to their offspring call?

inherited traits :]

What are traits that parents pass on their offspring called?

inherited traits :]

Characteristics that parents pass on to their offspring?

Inherited traits. Such as height, hair color, behaviors, intelligence and so on.

What is the study of how traits pass from parents to offspring?


What are the responsibilities of genes?

Genes pass the traits of the parents to the offspring.

When parents pass traits to offspring it's called what?


When parents pass inherited traits to their offsprings?

When hre child is born with the chromosomes

How are the genotype and phenotype of parents related to the genotype and phenotypes of offsprings?

The parents can pass on only the alleles of their genotypes to their offspring. Therefore, the offspring genotypes and phenotypes are dependent solely upon the alleles inherited from the parents.

Do humans only pass sex-linked traits to their offspring?

Humans only pass traits, sex-linked or not, to their offspring. There is no way to pass a trait to anyone except offspring unless through gene implant.

Why is the genotype of the father unimportant when investigating sex linked traits inherited by the male offspring?

Fathers pass the Y sex chromosome to their sons, NOT the X sex chromosome.

Why is genotype of the father unimportant when investigating sex-linked traits inherited by male offspring?

Fathers pass the Y sex chromosome to their sons, NOT the X sex chromosome.

How are genetic traits pass on from parents to offspring?

Traits are passed through the child spending a long amount of time around the parent and observing their actions. For example if the parent licked their lips alot then it is likely that the child will lick their lips alot too as the child has subconsciously obserned this action throughout the time spent with the parent.