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In the field after playing soccer

or in the home when you play Wrestling

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Q: Where Fast twitch fibers muscles?
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Are there fast twitch muscles in your legs?

There are fast twitch muscles fibers in all of your muscles, especially in your legs.

Do cheetahs have mostly slow-twitch or fast-twitch muscles?

Fast twitch fibers

What is the difference between fast twitch and slow twitch muscles?

Fast-twitch fibers can deliver a quick burst of power.Slow-twitch fibers can maintain a contraction for a longer time! -Apex :]

Individuals with a large percentage of fast twitch muscle fibers will generally?

People who possess a high percentage of fast twitch muscles will generally be quicker, faster, and able to jump higher than people with a lower percentage of fast twitch muscles.

What type of exercise do we use Fast twitch muscle fibers?

Strength and power exercise like weight lifting requires the explosive release of energy yielded by fast-twitch muscle fibers. Slow-twitch muscles are involved in endurance activity.

Fast twitch slow twitch muscles color and function?

Slow twitch fibers Slow-twitch fibers are muscle fibers that are used more when compared to the rest. Your legs are full of slow-twitch fiber because you are on your feet much of the time. Another name given for slow-twitch fiber is endurance fiber because they have been forced to adapt via being used so frequently and that is why it is harder for them to grow. Fast Twitch Fibers Fast-twitch fibers are then obviously easier to grow because they are used less. When you are working out it is like they are being challenged for the first time. That is the reason why people see the most gains with these muscles when they first start working out.

Do all human muscles contain fast and slow muscle fibers?

Yes Such as in weight traning if you train your fast twitch you will recover faster but fast is more muscle strength not really size if your looking for size in muscles go with slow twitch

What are the three muscle fiber types?

Type 1 (slow twitch oxidative) , type 2a (fast twitch oxidative) and type 2b (fast twitch glycolytic).

Do fast twitch fibers generate more force than slow twitch fibers?


What race has the most fast twitch fibers?

Sprints like 100- 400 meters use the most fast twitch fibers.

What are the two type of twitch muscles?

Slow Twitch-type 1- Red Fiber and Fast twitch-Type 2-White Fibers. There a few more subcategories of each but this is I am guessing what you are asking for.

Why do fast twitch muscles fibers contract faster than slow twitch fibers?

Because they have a faster release of energy which causes them to slow down quicker. The twitch actually refers to the fatiguability of the fiber. So, fast twitch do produce more force, but tire 'fast'er than slow twitch, which are 'slow'er to fatigue Mark, BS Exercise Science