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Chloroplast is the green organelle in a plant cell.

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Q: Where are chloroplasts in the cell?
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Related questions

What cell has a cell wall without chloroplasts?

animal cells do not have chloroplasts

What kind of cells has chloroplasts?

The only cell that has chloroplasts is plant cell

Where is the thylakiod located in a cell?

The chloroplasts

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What is the function of cells without chloroplasts?

Chloroplasts are needed to make food. The cell without chloroplasts do not need them as the cells do not make food, thus chloroplasts are not needed in the cell.

What has a cell wall and chloroplasts?

Plant cells contain both chloroplasts and cell walls. Animal cells have cell membranes instead of cell walls and mitochondria instead of chloroplasts. Prokaryotes, such as bacteria and archaea, may have cell walls, but have no membrane-bound organelles such as chloroplasts.

What do animal cells lack?

They lack a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles.A cell nucleus.

What cell structure is the site of photosynthesis?

chloroplasts hope this helped santiago Chloroplasts

Where does photosynthesis occur in a plant cell?

It occurs in chloroplasts

Are there chloroplasts in a banana cell?

The chloroplasts are located within the cytoplasm

What is the chloroplasts' function in the cell?

The chloroplasts function in the cell is to collect light for photosynthesis. Without chloroplasts plant cells wound not be able to carry out photosynthesis.

What structures can be found in the plant cell but not in the animal cell is it chloroplasts mitochondria ribosomes or vacuoles?

chloroplasts and vacuoles