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Q: Where are components of ribosomes synthesized assembled and found in the nucleus?
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Where do the ribosomes gets synthesized?

Their compartments are made in the nucleolus.They are later brought and assembled in cytoplasm

How does ribosomes reproduce?

Ribosomes are synthesized by the nucleolus, which is inside the nucleus.

What are the components synthesized in the nucleus?

Components are synthesized in nucleolus.They are combined in cytoplasm.

What organelle assembles ribosomes?

They are synthesized in nucleolus.Nucleolus is in the nucleus

Are ribosomes made in a special region of the nucleus called the nucleolus?

Ribosomes are made inside the nucleolus, which is inside the nucleus of the cell. Ribosomes function to synthesize proteins. ***************************** it controls which qenes qet used.

Is nucleolus is the seat of ribosomes organisation?

They are produced by nucleus. But assembled in cytoplasm

What two organelles are involved in protein synthesis?

Ribosomes produce proteins and proteins are produced very quickly. There are two kinds of ribosomes: Bound and Free The second organelle is the nucleolus where RNA is synthesized and assembled from proteins. Both are part of the nucleus which is part of the ER system

How do ribosomes synthesize?

They are synthesized as two parts in nucleolus.Later brought together in cytuoplasm

The components of ribosomes are formed by?

Ribosomes are components, found inside the nucleus of a cell, and is essential for protein synthesis all living things. The nuclei is responsible for forming the ribosomes.

Where are ribosomes formed in cells?

Ribosome in a eukaryote is formed in the cytoplasm and definitely not in the nucleolus of the nucleus . There seems to be a confusion between ribosomes and ribosomal sub units . Ribosomal sub units are indeed formed in the ncleolus . yes , agreed . But when some body raises a questions 'Where exactly ribosomes are formed ' ? The answer is - cytoplasm and definitely not nucleolus . What do my friends who read this say !!!

Is the ribosome in the nucleus?

Ribosomes are synthesized in the nucleolus by combining rRNA which is made there and ribosomal proteins that are synthesized in the cytoplasm and are imported into the nucleus. The ribosome is exported out of the nucleus and into the cytoplasm or are deposited on the rough ER. Ribosomes do not become fully active until they leave the nucleus.

What structures are involved in making proteins for the cells?

Inside the nucleus, DNA contains the genetic code for producing proteins. Messenger RNA copies the code inside the nucleus, and moves out of the nucleus to the ribosomes where the proteins are assembled according to the code on the mRNA.