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Cyclones are general found along the coasts. This is because they form over warm waters near these coasts, although they do affect places more inland.

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Q: Where are cyclones mostly found and why?
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In what country do cyclones mostly happen?


Who do cyclones effect?

cyclones effect mostly people in the southern hemisphere because people in the northern hemisphere call them hurricanes

Where in Queensland do cyclones come?

In Queensland, cyclones are found in the waters of the Coral Sea, or the Gulf of Carpentaria.

What are hurricanes called from around the world?

They are mostly called tropical storms or cyclones.

Do storms turn?

Some do. Tropical cyclones (hurricanes, typhoons etc.), extratropical cyclones/lows, Some thunderstorms (mostly supercells), and tornadoes are all storms that rotate.

Where are cyclones found?

southwestern Pacific Ocean or Indian Ocean.

Which two bodies of water mostly form tropical cyclones that affect the Philippines?

The South Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean.

How many people die annually due to tropical cyclones?

Probably a few thousand per year, mostly in developing countries.

What places do cyclones mostly occur in?

Over warm, tropical waters, including the Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, and Indian Ocean.

What are cyclones called in Europe?

Cyclones in Europe are known as cyclones. They are not called hurricanes - this is a term generally reserved for cyclones in the Americas.

Are cyclones geological?

No, cyclones are meteorological.

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Ginger is mostly found in China.