

Where are large vacuole found why?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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large vacuholes are found in most cells because of over growth of cells. idk if its right or not but thats wht i remember

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Q: Where are large vacuole found why?
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Is large vacuole found in both cells?

no , large vacuole found in plant cell because in animal cell water requirement is completed by other sources while in plant require large vacuole to maintain their shape.

What is a large membrane covered chamber that stores liquids and is found in plant cells?

A vacoule is a large membrane covered chamber which stores liquids and found in plants.

What does a large center vacuole do?

a large vacuole is not the same as a central vacuole. a large central vacuole is only for trees. a large vacuole is only for flowers

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Is vacuole found an animal cell or plant cell?

Vacuoles are found in plant and animal cells. Plant cells are known for their large central water vacuole.

Is tonoplast only found in plant cells?

Yes, in the large central vacuole.

Is the vacuole found within a plant cell or animal cell?

The vacuole is found within a plant cell and animal cell. The plant cells have a large, central vacuole while animal cells have small, multiple vacuoles.

Which type of connective tissue cell has a large vacuole?

The white adipose cells or adipocytes have a large fat vacuole. White adipocytes are found everywhere in the adipose connective tissues.

What kind of cell is found in a vacuole?

Central vacuoles are often found in plant cells. Plants need lots of water, and plants store water, so they have a large vacuole.

What is the large centeral vaculoe is it related to osmotic potentional?

The large central vacuole is found in plant cells and normally stores starches and sugars. The membrane of the vacuole is semi-permeable as well.

What large membrane-covered chamber that stores liquids is found in plant cells?

The chamber is called a vacuole, and many plant cells have only one, or have a large primary one.