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Q: Where are the fibers of the parasympathetic nervous system located on the spinal cord?
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Another name for the parasympathetic nervous system is?

Another name for the parasympathetic nervous system is the craniosacral, which describes the area of the spinal cord where the nerves are located.

What systems comprise the nervous system?

The Sympathetic Nervous System and the Parasympathetic Nervous System

What is parasypathetic?

Parasympathetic stimulation is a process that takes place in the peripheral nervous system. This is a process where signals are carried throughout the body.

What are the thin fibers of the humans nervous system called?

Spinal Cord

What do you call the nervous systemthat consist of the brain and spinal column'?

The Brain and Spinal cord form the Central Nervous System. The Peripheral Nervous System comprises the nerves that ultimately feed into the CNS and is divided into the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous Systems.

What is another name for parasympathetic?

The parasympathetic division is also called the craniosacral division because it arises from te brain and sacral region of the spinal cord; its fibers travel in certain cranial and sacral nerves. The parasympathetic division is also called the craniosacral division because it arises from te brain and sacral region of the spinal cord; its fibers travel in certain cranial and sacral nerves.

What does a pelvic splanchnic nerve contains?

Preganglionic parasympathetic fibers. In the Parasympathetic division, the preganglionic axons leave the ventral roots of the spinal cord and collectively form the pelvic splanchnic nerves.

What makes up your nervous system?

The nervous system consists of the brain and the spinal cord. Nerve fibers of the spinal cord spread out to the different part of body. These nerve fibers are part of the peripheral nervous system and are the nerves that are found outside the spinal cord and brain.

Most sensory neurons synapse in spinal cord, allows faster actions to occur by activating spinal motor neurons without the delay and form?

Parasympathetic nervous system

What are the part or nervous system?

The nervous system is divided into: - The central nervous system (CNS) : Encephalon, diencephalon, mesencephalon, pons, medulla, spinal cord, cerebellum. - The peripheral nervous system (PNS) : Roots, spinal nerves, plexi, peripheral nerves and neuromuscular junction. - The autonomic nervous system (ANS) : Sympathetic and Parasympathetic

The gray matter of the spinal cord?

Is located within the spinal cord and contains unmyelinated fibers.

What spinal cord location would you find the origin of the white rami communicantes.?

The white rami communicantes are myelinated pre-ganglionic fibers (myelinated axons) from cell bodies located in the internal gray of the spinal cord. These fibers represent general visceral efferents of the sympathetic nervous system.