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In the so-called cochlea, in the inner ear.

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Q: Where are the hair cell that function in hearing located?
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Hair cells that function as hearing receptors are located?

spiral organ of Corti

What is the function of a root hair in a root hair cell?

a nucleus alwys controls whatever the cell does.

What is the function of root hair cell?

The function of the root hair cell in plant is to absorb water and mineral salts.

What is the relationship between cell structure and function of a root hair cell?

nothing muahhahaa

What is special about root hair cell?

to perform a specific function

What is special about a root hair cell?

to perform a specific function

Function of root hair cell?

To absorb water and nutrients from the soil.

What is auditoryneuropathy?

a disorder of hearing in children characterized by sensorineural hearing loss for pure tones, reduced word discrimination disproportionate to the pure-tone loss, normal outer hair cell function as determined by measurement of otoacoustic emissions, and absent or abnormal auditory brainstem response.

What is the function of cytoplasm in a root hair cell?

a nucleus alwys controls whatever the cell does.

Most cases of hearing loss are caused by?

Presbycusis. This is an idiopathic, insidious, symmetrical decline in hearing that is associated with aging.

How is a root hair adapted for its function?

it is layered and it grows, it helps the hair cell when providing a greater surface area for water absorption

What is function of root hair cell?

It absorbes water and mineral ions from the soilI hope this helps you