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Q: Where are the presynaptic neurons of the parasympathetic system located?
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What term is used to describe the parasympathetic nervous system?


What are the two divisions of CNS?

The sympathetic and the parasympathetic divisions.

Most sensory neurons synapse in spinal cord, allows faster actions to occur by activating spinal motor neurons without the delay and form?

Parasympathetic nervous system

Another name for the parasympathetic nervous system is?

Another name for the parasympathetic nervous system is the craniosacral, which describes the area of the spinal cord where the nerves are located.

What component of the ANS is characterized by ganglion located in or near effector organs?

The component of the ANS that is characterized by ganglion located in or near effector organs is called the parasympathetic nervous system. The ganglia of the parasympathetic nervous system are located close to or within the target organs they innervate, allowing for direct and localized control of bodily functions. This branch of the autonomic nervous system is responsible for promoting rest, digestion, and relaxation.

How are olfactory neurons classified structurally?

Neurons are classified by the direction they move.

What are the two branches of the autonomic system?

The two integral parts of the autonomic nervous system are the sympathetic nervous system responsible for, "rest and digest" and the parasympathetic nervous system that is responsible for, "fight or flight".

Where are most neurons in the human body located?

It is said that central nervous system and enteric nervous system contain 1 billion neurons each.

What process does the parasympathetic nervous system not stimulate?

The parasympathetic nervous system does not stimulate the fight or flight response.

What is the location of the vesicles that store neurotransmitter?

Synapses are located throughout the nervous system. A synapse is a sort of 'relay station' where a message, in the form a a chemical neurotransmitter, is passed on between one neuron (nerve fibre) & the next, or between a neuron & the muscle or gland the message is aimed at.

Sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system's are subdivisions of what nervous system?

The sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems are subdivisions of the autonomic nervous system.

The autonomic system is composed of the sympathetic and what system?

Parasympathetic system. (sympathetic is commonly referred to as the "fight or flight" system and the parasympathetic is referred to as the "rest and digest" system)