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Angio sperms are plants that produce their egg and sperm cells in flowers, and produce their seeds inside fruit.

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Q: Where are the sperm and egg located in an angiosperm?
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Does the pollen grain contain the egg of an angiosperm?

no the pollen grain contains the male genetic material - sperm cells

Why angiosperm are called angiosperm?

They call it this because most of the sunflower is flower sperm. The sac holding the sunflower seed is full of the sperm.

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Describe the exact location of the egg cell and sperm nucleus of a flowering plant?

The egg cell is located inside the ovary of the flower. The sperm nucleus is located inside the pollentube of the flower

Is the yucca flower a angiosperm?

HAHAHA you said sperm.

Eastern redbud is it a gymnosperm or a angiosperm?

its Yo sperm

Where is the sperm located in a lesbian?

When they are pregnant it is in the egg. When someone is a lesbian they do not start making sperm, they are still a woman.

What is similar between gymnosperm and angiosperm?

they both end with sperm

What is the difference between pollination and fertilization in angiosperm?

Pollination is the spreading of pollen from the male to the female part of a flower. Fertilization is the sperm and egg joining to form a zygote and occurs in animals.

Where does sperm cells go to get a female preangat?

In humans, the sperm cells must reach the female's fallopian tubes where the egg is located after ovulation.

What is a zygote?

A sperm fused with an egg