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The warthog is native to Africa

They are found in most of Africa south of the Sahara and are widely distributed in East Africa...Warthogs are found in moist and arid savannas. They avoid rainforest, deserts and high mountains. From the African Wildlife Foundation website - see link below
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Q: Where are wart hogs located?
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How big do wart hogs get?

an inch

Where do wart hogs live?

They live in dry sandy countries or in South Africa. Wart hogs prefer to live in open forests.

Do wart hogs live in Europe?

the Savannah

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What is the name of one kind of pigs?

Wart Hogs

What do wart hogs eat?

Wart hogs eat many things such as: trees,grasses,roots, twigs, water plants, small mammals or bird eggs.

Do warthogs live in deserts?

NO Wart hogs do not live in the dessert!

Do wart hogs live in a rainforest?

I'm pretty sure there are. Not like pink farm pigs, but there are wild hogs and such.

How do wart hogs travel?

Ofcourse, by foot. They travel in small family groups.

Why do wart hogs have warts?

No, its just the name of an animal, it does not mean it will give you warts.

What are some of the closely related animals to the red river hog?

Wild boars, wart hogs, peccaries.

Are raccoons attracted to wart hogs?

Raccoons live in the Americas and warthogs live in Africa. They never meet in nature.