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According to quantum theory, we can never know the exact location of an electron at any given time. If the electron is part of an atom, the best we can do is state the probability that the electron can be found within a given region about the nucleus. Often that information is good enough for our purposes.

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Q: Where can electrons be located at any time?
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The protons and neutrons of cobalt just like any other element are located in the nucleus whereas the electrons are located in the energy shells.

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In any atom, the valence electrons are located in the outermost shell. Chlorine has 7 valence electrons.

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Electrons in the electron cloud of an atom are located at specific energy levels. We cannot say with certainty exactly where the electron is physically located at any given moment, and that's because electrons can be at different physical locations at any instant of time. There are quantum mechanical reasons for this, and just one example of the "variability" of location of an electron is quantum mechanical tunnelling.

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There are 69 electrons.

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Protons, neutrons and electrons are located in the atom. The protons and neutrons are located in the atomic nucleus; the electrons are around the nucleus, arranged in shells.

What is it called when electrons are shared in bonds?

A covalent bond is when electrons are shared in bonds.

Where are the elements located in electrons?

Electrons are elementary particles that have not been further subdivided by any accelerator or experiment in modern physics. String theory, of course, predicts that electrons could be made of smaller vibrating strings.

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those areas, where electrons are located in an atom, are called ORBITS

In what shell do valence electrons locate in?

Valence electrons of any atom are located in the outermost shell that atom carries electrons. For example a carbon atom has 6 electrons: 2e in its first shell (which is full) and 4e (valence electrons) in second shell--there are no electrons farther than second shell for carbon.