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at the north end of California

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Q: Where did Edmond Hally discovered Hally's Comet?
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What is edmond Halley's full name?

Edmond Halley had a comet called Halley's Comet named after him.

When the Hally's Comet will appear?

when we die

When was Hally Comet latest showered?

in 1986

Is Hailies comet the only comet?

It's "Hally's" comet, and no, there are thousands, perhaps millions more

Is hally's comet luminous or non luminous?

Yes it is

A space curiosity that returns to earths view approximately every 76 years?

Halley's Comet

Why does Hally's comey fly nearth earth every 75-76 years?

Hally's comet has an oblong/elliptical orbit, taking about 75-76 years to make a complete circle.

Why are comets names after hally?

Why is a comet named after Halley? The comet was named after English astronomer Edmond Halley who first worked out how often this particular comet appeared in our skies. Mr Halley read reports of bright comets and said it was the same comet coming back near the Earth every 70 years or so. He predicted its next return. When it showed up on time, people called it Halley's Comet. See link below.<p></p><p>

How can I have phenomenon in a sentence?

Use phenomenon to describe something out of the ordinary like.. Hally's Comet which comes to pass Earth every.. like 76 years like: It was a phenomenon to watch the legendary Hally's Comet the night it passed over our sky. or describe a legendary sports athlete or something.

How do you wrte a short note on halley comet?

It is impossible to write on Hally's Comet. It is moving much to quickly and it is very far away. It is better to write a short note on paper.

Does Halley's comet have a similar comet to it?

Hally's comet does have a similar comet to it im not sure what its called all i know is instead of coming around every few hundred of years it comes around every few thousand sooo lets just say im not seeing it. lol

How many years does hally's comet rotate around earth?

It doesn't rotate around earth, but around the sun. This happens every 75-76 years on average.