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Venus or Aphrodite is actually a child of Uranus and Gaea. When Cronus (Kronus) killed Uranus, the blood of Uranus fell everywhere and it made a pink cloud that gave a birth to Aphrodite.

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Q: Where did Venus the goddess come from?
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Where does the name venus come from?

Because Venus was the brightest planet in the sky, the Romans named it Venus. Venus was the name of the Roman goddess of love and beauty.

What mythological goddess was Venus named after?

The Roman goddess Venus is equivalent to the Greek goddess Aphrodite.

Is the Venus' goddess popular or unpopular?

Venus, the goddess of love and beauty, is a very popular goddess.

What was Venus the goddess of?

Venus was the Roman goddess of love, beauty, and sex.

Why Is Venus Named after the Greek goddess of love and beauty?

Venus the planet is named for the Roman goddess Venus who was goddess of love and beauty and identified with Aphrodite, the Greek goddess.

Who was Roman the Goddess of love?

venus was the roman goddess of love. that is why they say venus is the planet of love

Is Aphrodite the goddess of the planet Venus?

No, the planet Venus is named for the Roman goddess Venus who is associated with Aphrodite.

Is the goddess venus mentioned in the bible?

No, the goddess venus does not appear by name in the Bible.

When was Venus the Roman Goddess born?

Venus the roman goddess was born in 88b.c

Venus' was the goddess of?

Venus was the goddess of love, desire, beauty, fertility, the sea, and vegetation.

Who is the God Venus?

Venus Is The Roman Goddess Of Love. Aphrodite is the Greek Goddess Of Love.

Who are Venus' the Roman goddess' family?

Venus is the Roman equivalent of Aphrodite the goddess of love.