

Where did cultural diffusion take place?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: Where did cultural diffusion take place?
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How cultural diffusion occur?

Televisions and the internet are making cultural diffusion take place more rapidly than ever before. I hope i helped :)

How does cultural diffusion occur?

Televisions and the Internet are making cultural diffusion take place more rapidly than ever before. I hope i helped :)

How did cultural diffusion take place in India?

it spread the religion of budhism to china which was spread to Korea and then japan

Diffusion can take place if the two substances are?

Diffusion can take place in any substance, cause diffusion means the mixture of gases . In a perfume shop diffusion takes place

Where in your body does diffusion take place?

diffusion takes place in the alveoli

What is the theme that helps explain how people goods and ideas get from one place to another?

The term you are looking for is cultural diffusion. Cultural diffusion is the process by which ideas, customs, and technology spread between different regions. Trade is the process by which goods are transported between regions, and although it facilitates cultural diffusion, I don't think it is actually considered cultural diffusion.

What spread of cultural traits from one culture to another is called?

Cultural diffusion

The spread of cultural traits from one society to another?

cultural diffusion

How cultural diffusion take place?

People have been exposed to other cultures through trade, migration, and conquest. Today, television, the internet, and movies spread cultural ideas faster than ever.

The spread of a religion or a language from one place over a wider are called?

cultural diffusion

How has cultural diffusion shaped the US?

How did cultural diffusion help preserve the legacy of the Phoenicians

What is the spread of ideas from one culture to another?

it is called diffusion or sometime called borrowing