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It depends which country you are referring to.

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Q: Where did most of the founders of this country believe most of the power of government should be?
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what did the founders believe was an important purpose of government?

Natural rights, sometimes called unalienable rights, are rights the Framers believed all people are born with and can never give up. The Founders argued that the government's central purpose should be to protect and uphold these rights.

The founders thought of the government should be limited to what?

I have no earthly idea

Who are people that believe there should be no government?

Those who believe the government should be abolished are known as anarchists

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Islamic fundamentalists believe the government should be based on Islam.

What did Jefferson believe in?

As the co-founders of the Democratic-Republican Party, they believed in State's Rights. Madison did believe in a strong federal government, but that it should also share power with the State Governments. Thomas Jefferson believed in State's Rights as well.

Should the 5 million undocumented immigrants be allowed to stay?

This is a controversial issue. Some people, and certainly the government, seem to believe they should be allowed to stay. Many citizens believe if they entered the country illegally they have already broken the law and should be sent back to their own country; however, there are those who do not agree with that. Some believe they should be granted amnesty and others disagree.

What did the federralists believe about the government?

it should be limited

Should you be a democrat or tepublician?

If you believe that the government should be big and heavily involved in all aspects of your life and that the government should take care of you from cradle to grave, then you should be a democrat. If you believe in smaller government that should allow you to grow and prosper on your own without government help or interference then you should be a republican.

What basic rights did the founders believe you should have?

The Founding Fathers believed that all people should have the right to life, liberty, and property

Which phrase in the preamble of the constitution means the government should provide peace and order in society?

neverywhere. but this dumb president doesnt believe in keeping to the roots of our country

What did Coolidge believe the government should do?

Burn themselves

To what extend should you honor the wishes of the Founding Fathers?

I believe the Founders of this great nation said it best - "Our Lives, our Fortunes, and our Sacred Honor."