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Totem poles were only built by tribes on the Pacific coast.

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Q: Where did native Americans build totem poles?
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Related questions

What culture do totem poles belong to?

Totem poles belong to the culture of the Native Americans.

Who were the original creators of totem poles?

the native Americans where the first one to make totem poles. i think?

Did caddo Indians have totem poles?

No, the Caddo Indians did not use totem poles as did other Native Americans.

What is carved into a totem pole?

On totem poles there is spirts of there animals that are powerful to native Americans.

What tall carvings were maid by Native Americans?

Totem poles.

How do you use totem in a sentence?

totem poles had great religious and historical significence for native americans.

Who worshiped totem poles?

No one "worshipped" totem poles, some groups of native americans used them to tell thier family history.

Did the Eastern Woodland Indians carve totem poles?

No. The Northwestern Native Americans did.

Where are totem poles placed?

In the Organizations to show their levels, which was the practice of Native Americans

Who used to create totem poles?

The First Nations/Native Americans used to create totem poles using big cedar tree trunks.

Did Aboriginal people build totem poles?

Yes the aboriginals did build totem poles

Did anyone worship totem poles?

No but native americans used them to mark family history.