

Where did the american deists Come From?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: Where did the american deists Come From?
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Deists believe that God created the universe but hasn't interacted since.

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What was the most powerful religion at the time of the American revolution?

Many of the American colonists were Christians of some form; descendents of modern Presbyterians. Many of the framers of the Constitution and American founding fathers were Deists, who believed in a god who set the world working and then ceased to care for it.

What did deists believe about people?

Deism is a rational, naturalistic (non-revelatory) approach to belief in the Ultimarte Creator. A product of Humanism, many of the US Founding Fathers were Deists.

Was it a call from God to start the American Revolution?

Absolutely not. A large number of the Founding Fathers were atheists or Deists. Few were devoutly religious. The American revolution was motivated by a complicated mix of political factors, almost all of which were secular in nature.

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Deists like Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin endorsed the concept of a Supreme Being who created the universe

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How is deism different from atheism?

Deists believe a God (or Gods) exist. Atheists do not. Deists tend to believe God is a rational explanation for the existence of the universe, but rarely if ever intervenes in its operation.

What type of religion are American pioneers?

Christians! They came to America to worship their God in freedom and peace. Many of the Founding Fathers, however, were Deists who believed in God but not necessarily in any particular religion.

What religion believes that god doesn't effect the world?

Deist. Deists believe god created the world then stepped back. He does not intervene in the world today. Incidentally the founding fathers of America where deists, not Christians.