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Q: Where do glaciers go after they move?
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Related questions

Do glaciers move quickly slowly or not at all?

Glaciers move slowly.

Do glaciers move fast or slow downhill?

Glaciers move very slowly.

How do glaciers flow?

glaciers move slowly but when theres alot of rain the water and the glaciers move faster

Do glaciers slowly quickly or not at all?

Glaciers move slowly.

Do glaciers moves slowly quickly or not at?

Glaciers move slowly.

How GLaciers move?

by the wind

What are heaps of earth moved by glaciers?

They are called moraines. Glaciers gather earth as they move south and deposit it as they move northward.

Does glaciers move?

Yes, they move slowly over time.

Do glaciers move slow or fast?

they move a inch a month

Do glaciers move slow or slow?

they move a inch a month

How does climate affect the move of glaciers?

when temperatures get to high numbers like 9999999999, then BOOM! Glaciers melt and move downwards because of gravity.

Do glaciers move slowlyquickly or not at all?

Glaciers tend to move slowly, forced downwards by the weight of snow and ice accumulating at the top of the glacier.