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Proficiency badges such as craft, caving and abseiling go on the right sleeve under your region badge and your group name. APL and PL badges go on pocket, yearly badges go above pocket along with the Country and world wide scouting badges. On your left sleeve you put your pioneer/explorer/adventurer badge with other achievement badges around it. above those goes your scout craft badge which is the first scout badge you get. When putting on your scout craft remember to only sew the top and bottom as your coloured cords get held in place by this badge

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12y ago

If you were a participant, then the jamboree patch is worn above the right pocket. If you were a visitor, you may wear the patch centered on the right pocket.

See related links.

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Q: Where do jamboree badges go on a Scout shirt?
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Where does the arrow of light go on your shirt?

If the scout is a Cub Scout wearing a blue uniform shirt the Arrow of Light is centered on the left shirt pocket flap above the other rank badges (wolf , bear, etc). If the scout is a Cub Scout wearing the khaki (brown) shirt or a Boy Scout the Arrow of Light is worn centered under the left shirt pocket (below the pocket).

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They go where ever your scout leader tells you to put them :P im a sea scout from Teralba NSW Australia :D

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For most Brownie Girl Scout and Girl Guide organizations, there is no particular order for the badges. If your organization requires a specific order for the badges, the guider/leader should be able to tell you what it is.

Where do you put badges on a Girl Scout's vest or sash?

For Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA), the earned badges go on the front of the vest, underneath any other earned insignia. It is a good idea to start attaching the badges at the bottom of the vest. Any fun patches received go on the back of the vest. Other Girl Guide and Girl Scout organizations may have different guidelines for badge placement.

Where does the religious emblem go on the boy scout uniform?

Just above the left pocket of the shirt

Where does the librarian patch go on the Boy Scout shirt?

Position patches ("badges of office") such as Scoutmaster, Senior Patrol Leader and Librarian go on the left shoulder. On short sleeve shirts with a pocket they should be centered on the pocket. On shirts without a shoulder pocket they should be centered below the unit numerals and touching them.

Where does the religious rope emblem go on the boy scout uniform?

Just above the left pocket of the shirt

What do Japanese Girl Scout badges look like?

Each Girl Scout or Girl Guide organization designs the badges and requirements for their organization. Visit the web sites for each WAGGGS member organization for information about their badges.

Where does a Browsea Island patch go?

There are several patches to which you might be referring. If it is one of the National Jamboree patches (and yoy attended) then you can wear it on the right chest above the shirt pocket. If it is a patch from another event then you can wear it as a "temporary patch" centered on the right shirt pocket (or hanging from the button).

Where does the tenderfoot badge go on a Boy Scout uniform?

The Arrow of Light award is sewn centered and just under the left shirt pocket on the Boy Scout uniform.

What do you do after you get all sixteen badges in heartgold?

Get the Jhoto badges, beat the elite four, go get all of Kanto's badges as well.