

Where do lanternfish glow?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: Where do lanternfish glow?
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What is a lanternfish's predators?

Lanternfish are preyed upon by whales, dolphins, squid, and even penguins in the arctic.

How long can a lanternfish live?

1 second

What does lanternfish eat?

Lanternfish eat other, smaller fish, and planktonic organisms--anything small that they think may be edible. They even eat plastic bits.

What part of the ocean do lanternfish live in?

midnight zone

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· Lake Trout · Largemouth Bass · Lionfish · Lanternfish · Lemon Shark

What happens when you snap a glow stick to make it glow?

When you snap a glow stick to make it glow, it will glow.

What are facts about glow worms?

Glow wormsThey swallow rocks to help with digestion.They glow.

How long does it take for a lanternfish to reach adulthood?

it takes a lantern fish 15 hrs after bith to reach adult hood

What does the lantern fish use its light for?

I cannot tell you the exact scientific or chemical explination but i can say that the bioluminescence is due to the reactions and adaptations of the lantern fishses' surroundings and enviornment.

How did glow birds glow?

They have something to glow called bioluminescent