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The colloquial term is Tornado Alley, generally stretching from Texas to South Dakota and Iowa. There is relatively high tornado activity extending from the Rocky Mountains in the west, to the Appalachian Mountains in the east and from the Gulf of Mexico to southern Canada.

See the related Wikipedia link for a nice map of the area:

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7y ago

The greatest number of tornadoes occur in a region called Tornado Alley, which extends from Texas to Iowa.

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9y ago

Tornadoes are most likely to occur in a region known as Tornado Alley, which stretches across much of the Great Plains.

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Q: Where do tornadoes occur the most in the US?
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Where are tornadoes most likely to be in the US?

Tornadoes can occur just about anywhere in the US but are most common on the Great Plains and in the Deep South.

When do most tornadoes occur?

Most tornadoes occur in spring.

Where are do tornadoes occur in the US?

The can occur almost anywhere but are most common on the central plains.

What is the month for tornadoes to occur?

Tornadoes occur in all months, but are most common in the spring and summer. On average tornado activity in the US peaks in May.

Where do tornadoes usually happen in the us?

Tornadoes can occur just about anywhere in the U.S. but they are most common on the Great Plains.

What time of day do tornadoes least likely occur?

They can occur anywhere but most tornadoes occur in southern US states between March and late May. In northern US states most occur between late spring and early summer. Most tornadoes occur between 3 and 9 pm, but can occur at any hour, in any season of the year.

What state is a tornado most likely to occur?

Although tornadoes occur in all states, the state with the most tornadoes is Texas.

When do have the most tornadoes?

Most tornadoes occur in spring and summer.

Can there be tornadoes in NY?

Yes. Tornadoes can occur anywhere in the US.

What season do tornadoes occur?

Tornadoes can occur in any season but are most common in the spring.

What climate are tornadoes most likely to occur in?

Tornadoes are most likely to occur in a temperate to subtropical climate.

What climate do tornadoes occur?

Tornadoes are most common in a temperate climate but can occur in the tropics.