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Many people believe that mermaids live in the ocean, specifically in deep, secluded areas where they can swim freely and remain hidden from humans. The idea of mermaids residing in underwater caves or near coral reefs is also quite popular in folklore and mythology.

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13y ago

Some people like to imagine things and play like they are real. Little girls who are below the age of 7 often can believe things like this, but as they get older they should know that they aren't real. When you have people that are older thinking they are mermaids or that they are real there is some other problem that needs to be solved. The belief that these thing exist help keep them from the reality of the real world they live in.

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14y ago

Mermaids do not live in countries. Mermaids live in the sea.

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Why do people not believe in mermaids?

people don't believe in mermaids because is history no mermaids are true any more but if you believe in mermaids then is ok you don't have to be sad if they say ha ha do you think mermaids are true it is defently fine is what you think after all

Where are mermaids normally seen?

They are real if you believe in Mermaids! It all comes from your heart! Like you might think Mermaids are real, that's why your asking this. But other people just go they are not real! People have their own thoughts! So it's up to you. Okay, back to the topic- there are really mermaids in Fairytales, but they could live far away.There is no scientific reserch that if mermaids are real or not so they could be real and live far away!

Will you tell others how to become a mermaid too?

Well i know how and people who HAVE and ARE mermaids ;) (REAL LIVE mermaids that is) <AND NO THIS IS NOT A JOKE ^^ >

Do people think mermaids exist?

Yes people think they exist, but they don't they are just a myth

Do murmade kill from the sound?

Mermaids do not die from sounds. Some people believe in mermaids and some think they are not real.

Do mermaids live in groups and what are they called?

No, as mermaids do not live; they are creatures of fiction.

Do mermaids live in the river?

No, mermaids are fictional creatures, they do not live anywhere.

What areas do mermaids live in?

mermaids livge in the ocean there for mermaids are real

What kind of land do mermaids live in?

Mermaids live in the Ocean, they do not live on land or in land.

Are mermaids live?

No. Mermaids do not exist and never did.

Do mermaids live in rivers?

No. Mermaids do not exist. In most stories they live in the ocean.

Do mermaids live in the bay area?

No. Mermaids don't live anywhere but in stories.