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Of course, it occurs in the endoplasmic reticulum.

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Q: Where do photosynthesis and cellular respiration occur in cells And which organelle is it?
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What organelle carries out cellular respiration in plants?

This, of course, would be the mitochondria.Glycolysis takes place in the cytosol outside said organelle.

What is organelle that carry out cellular Respiration an photosynthesis?

Cellular respiration and photosynthesis are processes carried out in separate organelles within the cell. Cellular respiration occurs within mitochondria present in all living cells - both plant and animal. Photosynthesis occurs within the chloroplasts of plant cells only.

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Cellular Respiration

Do plants cells or animal cells carry out cellular respiration?

Yes. Plants and animals need energy. Energy must therefore be made in the cells.No, only animal cells carry on cellular respiration.animal cells carryon cellular respiration. plant cells carry out photosynthesis which is the opposite of respiration.

How is photosynthesis an cellular respiration different?

photosynthesis is only happening in plants. But respiration is happening in animal cells too.

What organelle does photosynthesis and cellular respiration occur in?

Respiration occurs in two compartments - glycolysis in the cytoplasm and the TCA cycle and electron transport chain in the mitochondria. However, cells that are actively photosynthesising do not need to respire because ATP is synthesised in the chloroplast.

What is process in which glucose and oxygen react in cells to release energy is called?

Its either Photosynthesis or cellular respiration

In what type of cells does cellular respiration occur?

plant and animal cells/ eukaryotic and happens in the organelle, mitochondria.

Plant cells use photosynthesis and cellular respiration?

True. Plants need photosynthesis for food production. Respiration is for energy production

Where is photosynthesis and cellular respiration take place?

Photosynthesis occurs in the chloroplast. During photosynthesis, carbon dioxide, water, and light energy is turned into glucose and oxygen. Cellular respiration occurs in the mitochondria. During cellular respiration, glucose and oxygen and turned into carbon dioxide, water, and energy. As you can see, the are both really a big cycle.

Which cell organelles function in photosynthesis and respiration?

Photosynthesis involves the chloroplasts, which contain pigments that absorb the sunllight and then transmute them to sugars the plant can use. Cellular respiration takes place in the lysosome, an organelle that contains similar processes. Food energy is converted into energy the animal can use.

What organelle makes most of a cells ATP energy through cellular respiration?

Mitochondria are responsible for cellular respiration.