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They have their babies where they are most comfortable.

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Q: Where do tapirs have their babies?
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Related questions

What do tapirs look like?

tapirs have elephant like snouts and are quite long and medium sized. the babies are always born black and white. normally like a zebra

How do mother tapirs take care of their babies?

Thay communicate by calling out to each other in a ticking niose so they can stay in contact.

What is cool of tapirs?

Tapirs are cool because their noses move up and down when they talk, I mean, when they eat. And the babies look like little watermelons on legs with all of their cute little stripes. And they make lovely little squeaks and chirps and they moop!

Do boa constrictors eat tapirs?

No, Tapirs are herbivores, Jaguars and Anaconda are the tapirs predators.

What adaptations do Tapirs have?

they did because flying monkeys named chris dropped them into the wild at midnight. FYI All the monkeys r GAY Yes they did their babies had to develop a red stripe color to blend into the dirt.

What is the collective noun for a group of tapirs?

The collective noun is a candle of tapirs.

What is a baby tapirs?

Baby tapirs are are called calves..One is called a calf.

What are tapirs young called?

young tapirs are called calves.

What is a tapirs predator?

A Jaguar can eat a tapir

Can you find tapirs in France?

You can find tapirs in French Guiana, which is located north of Brazil, but still a part of France. You can't find tapirs in mainland France.

Why should you try to save Malayan Tapirs?

Tapirs are cute and are part of the world, if your Friend is going to die, you will definitely help them , we should help save the tapirs

How common are the tapirs?

Tapirs are incredibly endangered and are being bred all over the world