

Where do the offspring of a caribou develop before birth?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Where do the offspring of a caribou develop before birth?
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Caribou are mammals and give live birth.

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Mice are mammals, and therefore give birth to live offspring. So yes, they will be pregnant before they give birth.

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BEFORE BIRTH, same as men.

Where provides a place for the baby to develop and grow before birth?

the uterus

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Woodland caribou babies weigh 12 pounds at birth.

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around 9 months

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Where embryos develop and are allowed to mature before birth

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The brain is the last to develop fully, which is around 24 in males.

A developing human being before birth?

What do you mean by this question? anyway if you mean it as how to develop the child before his or her birth, it only depend on how you take care of yourself. caring of yourself has a big factor to develop a child in the womb.