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Q: Where do you find the bone on Shark tooth island?
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Where do you find the mask on shark tooth island?

Mask? What mask? There is no mask that you have to find in Shark Tooth Island, Poptropica.

Were do you find a bone on shark tooth island?

You get the translation paper and go to the cave its on the top left of the cave.

Where in the temple is the bone on shark tooth island?

You'll find the bone to the left of the golden statue with the centipede. Underneath the moving platform.

Where do you get the bone on Shark Tooth island?

The bone is down in the underground ruins. You will find it at the bottom of the hole with spikes on its sides, just left of the statue with the giant centipede on it.

Where do you find the old bone in shark tooth?

inside the temple..

On shark tooth island where is the bone for the sleeping potion?

The bone is in a tunnel deep in the underground ruins. You will find it when moving left from the door with symbols on it. (see related question)

Where to find the mask on shark tooth island?

you dont

How do you find the key on shark tooth island?


What do you after you get the bone on shark tooth island?

Climb back up past the worm statue, go left to find the chamber with the final (key) ingredient,

How do you get the shark Booga to sleep on Shark Tooth Island?

You have the medicine man mix a sleeping potion, using coconut milk, a creature bone, and a key ingredient. The bone and green ingredient are down in the underground ruins. Once you have it mixed, you fire it from the shark feeding Coconut Cannon at Booga bay. (see related questions)

How do you get the green jar on shark tooth island?

The green "key ingredient" on Shark Tooth Island is part of the potion to put the giant shark (Booga) to sleep. It is down in the underground ruins, along with another ingredient, the creature bone. Open the underground door and go left to find the bone and then the key ingredient. (You already have the third ingredient, which is coconut milk.) (see related question)

Where can you find the stranded boy on shark tooth island?

When you have sedated the shark, you can swim out to the island in Booga Bay to bring him back.