

Best Answer

Ask in School. This is where they usually tell you about Puberty.

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Q: Where do you go to watch the puberty video for 11 year olds?
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Is a registration necessary to watch YouTube video?

no you only need to register if you want to watch videos for 18 year olds and up.

What to do if your a 11 year old?

a lot of eleven year olds just go to school, watch tv, and play video games

How can 10 year olds become extreme?

hit puberty

Can 10-year-olds have pubic hair?

Only if they had hit puberty

Is you and the devil video appropriate for 12 yr olds?

No, and not appropriate for 12 year olds.

Do eleven year olds go through puberty?

Yes, puberty can start earlier than 11-years-old for many children.

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Yes i do believe that 10 year olds should watch Hannnah Montana! great show! my kid loves it!

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Yes very much so as you know first hand considering these are the other questions you've posted... "Is it a horrible thing if any 18 year olds watch only cartoons" "Is it bad if any 18 year old watches only cartoons" "Is it wrong for 19 year olds to watch only cartoons" "Is it an abnormal thing if 18 year olds watch only cartoons" "Will a girl love a man if he's 21 and over and watches only cartoons" "Is it wrong to watch only cartoons as an 18 year old" "Is it dumb for 18 year olds to watch only cartoons" "Is it abnormal for adults over 18 to watch ONLY cartoons" "Is it retarded if 21 year olds watch only cartoons" "Is it wrong for 21 year olds to watch only cartoons" "Is it stupid if an 18 year old watches only cartoons" "Is it dumb for 21 year olds to watch only cartoons" "Is it a dumb thing if a 21 year old watches only cartoons" "Is it dumb if a 19 year old watches only cartoons" "Is it wrong for a 19 year old to watch only cartoons" "Is it weird for 19 year olds to watch only cartoons" "Why is it weird that 18 year olds watch only cartoons" "Is it bad for 19 year olds to watch only cartoons" "Why is it the wrong thing for 18 year olds to watch only cartoons" "Why are 18 year olds criticized by society for watching only cartoons" "Why is it bad for 18 year old guys to watch only cartoons" "Is it a bad thing for a 16 year old to watch only cartoons" "Is it bad for 19 year olds to watch only cartoons" "Why is society criticizing 18 year olds for watching only cartoons" "Why are 18 year olds criticized by society for watching only cartoons" "Is it bad for a 21 year old to watch only cartoons" "Is it bad to watch only cartoons as a 21 year old" "Is It Bad To Like Watching Only Cartoons At 21" "Is it good to watch only cartoons" "Is it horrifying if an 18 year old guy watches only cartoons" "Is it wrong to watch only cartoons as an 18 year old guy" "Is it a bad thing if you're over 18 years old and watch only cartoons" "Is it bad to watch only cartoons if you're over 18 years old" "Is it good or bad to watch only cartoons as an 18 year old" "Is it bad to watch only cartoons" "Is it bad to watch only cartoons if you're over 18" & "Why is it that teenagers lose interest in watching cartoons"

What are video games that 11 year olds will like?

Grand Theft Auto Video Games

What do most 11-12 year olds do?

Play video games.