

Where do you mine calcium?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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11y ago

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Calcium is a very reactive metal and is always found in a reacted state in compounds where it is ionic, present as the Ca2+ ion. The best known mineral is limestone, calcium carbonate. Calcium metal is not produced commercially in great quantities, one method of production is to react calcium oxide with aluminium at high temperature, , a so-called aluminothermic reaction similar to the thermite reaction, where aluminium is the reducing agent.

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Calcium is an element and is made of 20 protons and 20 neutrons. Calcium is found in food and water. Hard water contains much more calcium then soft water, plants contain calcium because it is absorbed through the soil and through the water.

Water contains calcium because the element is found in rocks and soil that water comes in to contact with and then causes the calcium to be suspended in through a series of reactions (chemical and physical).

Milk contains quite a bit of calcium because babies (be it baby animals or baby people) need calcium to build up immunity systems, and to help form bones. The milk is given from the mother to the baby and that delivery has been used since the begining of time, the calcium is put in to the milk because the mother eats plants or animals, and drinks water. Evolution dictated that milk contain the calcium in the concentration that it is in for animals and people.

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Calcium fluride exist in nature as the mineral fluorite.

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Calcium is calcium-it is its own nutrient.

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