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It is the ubula, which hangs down at the back of the throat. But forcing yourself to voimt is very dangerous, and is a main sign of the dangerous and potentially deadly eating disorder known as bulimia.

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Q: Where do you put your fingers to vomit down my throat obvisly but where is the gag spot?
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What is 2girls1finger?

it's a couple minutes of disgust where you see 2 girls stick their fingers down their throat and force vomit into each others mouth

Do you have to drink a lot of water then stick your fingers down your throat to vomit?

Please, as soon as possible, tell your doctor that you want to do this, and tell your caregivers as well.

How did Cronus vomit his kids?

stick his finger down his throat. gross i know.

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How do you make myself sick with out putting fingers down throat?

ipec syrup

When you put your tongue down someones throat how far should you put it down?

obviously not that far unless you want vomit in your mouth

What causes a person to want to vomit even if he is not sick like that?

Something that causes someone to vomit, even when their not sick is to stick your inger down the bak of your throat. OR NOT TOO FAR!

How does Miley Cyrus vomit?

Yes, I think she does. When she has eat at McDonalds or something like that she be satisfied and burp a big one.

What are some easy ways to make your self vomit?

Stick your finger down your throat until your gag reflex sets in.

What apart from syrup of ipecac induces vomit?

In order to induce vomiting:* Drinking warm salt water. or* Swallowing a small amount of tobacco will make you throw up almost instantly. * Sticking a couple of fingers down the persons throat will also cause them to throw up.

In the book Boy's Life by Robert Mccammon did Old Moses vomit variety of dead items when Cory stuck a broom down his throat?


Why does my 1 year old keep sticking her fingers down her throat until she vomits?

Because she wants to throw up or she might just like sticking her fingers in her mouth!