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checking the pH level in a chlorinated pool

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Q: Where do you use pH indicators in real life?
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What can use to make pH scale indicator?

Indicators are substances sensitive to different ranges of pH.

How indicators works?

pH indicators change their color according to the pH of a solution.

Where do you use indices in real life?

checking the pH level in a chlorinated pool

What chemical an you use to test acids and alkali's?

These substances are called pH indicators.

What is acid-base indicators?

These indicators change the color depending on the pH of the solution.

What is the chemical used to identify changes in pH?

They are called pH indicators.

How do use solutions to find the colors of the indicators?

Put the paper indicator of pH in the solution and compare the colors.

What can indicators identify?

Indicators are used frequently for testing pH; but many other indicators exist for other compounds or ions.

Why doesn't turps react with pH indicators?

most pH indicators are polar, whereas turps is non-polar so it doesnt mix well

What will change color in the presence of an acid or a base?

pH indicators change the color depending upon acidity or basicity.

How do you use indicators to measure acidity and basicity?

Many different pH indicators exist, covering different ranges of acidity and alkalinity. Every pH indicator should come with its color guide to help determine the approximate pH level of whatever's being tested. The best way to determine the color's pH indication is a spectrometer.

How is pH useful in real life?

The pH scale is used in real life to measure liquids that we drink and use everyday such as orange juice, bleach, pepsi,liquid soap, and fruit punch. The pH scale affects us because it tells us how acidic or basic the liquid is that is being put into your body.