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To the body, same as ours.

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Q: Where does an amphibian heart pump oxygen rich blood?
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Why do birds have high blood pressure?

Because they have small bodies and they need a high blood pressure to fly.The blood carries oxygen and muscles use this oxygen. Flying uses this oxygen very quickly so naturally the heart has to pump it faster. This is the same situation with humans. When Humans run their heart rate and blood pressure increase to get more oxygen to those muscles being used.

How does blood travel to the muscle?

Blood moves from the heart. The heart is a pump and it moves the blood to the lungs where it picks up oxygen. The blood carries oxygen by way of large arteries into smaller arteries, into even smaller arterioles, into capillary beds. At this point oxygen is lost into tissues (like muscles). The blood is now low on oxygen and must pick up more in the lungs. It also has to deliver carbon dioxide to the lungs. Back to the capillary bed, into very small venules and then larger veins and larger veins and even larger veins to the heart. Blood moves into the lungs and drops off carbon dioxide and picks up another load of oxygen and back down and around again. The Circulatory System with the heart as a pump.

How and why does blood pump though your body?

Blood is pumped through the body by the heart. The heart has four chambers - two atria and two ventricles - which contract in a coordinated manner. The contraction of the ventricles forces blood out of the heart and into the arteries, which carry oxygenated blood to the body's tissues. The cycle continues with the return of deoxygenated blood to the heart, which is then pumped to the lungs to pick up oxygen and release carbon dioxide, before being circulated again. This continuous pumping action allows for the delivery of oxygen, nutrients, hormones, and other substances throughout the body.

What part of the heart is responsible for the intake and oxygenation of blood?

The heart is the pump. It pumps the blood regardless of the oxygenation status of the blood. The right side of the heart pumps the deoxygenated blood. Deoxygenated means from which the oxygen is taken away. The left side of the heart pumps the oxygenated blood. Blood gets oxygen and gives away the carbon bi oxide in the lungs. Lungs are specialized organ system to perform the same function.

Why do you feel tired if you have a lack of red blood cells?

red blood cells are mainly hemoglobin. hemoglobin is mostly iron. hemoglobin binds oxygen and transports it to the body. when it is low, heart rate goes up and the heart works much harder to get oxygen to the body. thus, one feels tired so that the body will slow down and the heart can pump the blood to the tissues.

Related questions

Does an amphibian's heart pump out a mixture of oxygen-rich and oxygen-poor blood?

The amphibian's heart does pump out a mixture of oxygen-rich and oxygen-poor blood. They are vertebrates, and this is how vertebrates' circulatory systems work.

What does the amphibian heart pump?

it would have to pump blood

What chamber of the heart give the body oxygen?

the heart does not give the body it's oxygen it is the lungs. The heart is used to pump the blood to the lungs to pick up oxygen and then to pump the blood throughout the body and add oxygen to the blood cells.

What does the heart does to the blood?

pump the blood throw the body

Where does right side of heart pump blood to?

The right side of the heart pumps deoxygenated blood (blood deprived of oxygen) to the lungs where it can then receive oxygen.

Does the heart pump out only oxygen-rich blood?

No. The heart pumps oxygen-poor blood to the lungs, and pumps oxgyen-rich blood to the body.

How does the heart pump when you exercise?

When you are exercising, you are breathing in oxygen (O2) and it is get the heart to pump more blood to your body

What does blood that is being pumped from the heart to the lungs contians?

blood that is being pump from the heart to the lungs is oxygen.

What would you find in the blood that is being pump from the heart to the lungs?


What are the substances carried by blood and their functions?

Blood carries oxygen through out your body. Your lungs inhale oxygen and the blood cells carry the oxygen to your heart. Then the heart makes more blood cells to carry more oxygen to pump more blood.

What is the main pourpose of your heart?

The pourpose of the heart is to pump blood throughout your body. Blood contains oxygen in it, and all the cells in your body need oxygen to live.

What does the heart beat do?

beacuse you'er heart needs to pump so the body can get blood and oxygen