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Chlamydia may cause painful urination, as well as pelvic, scrotal, eye, or mild throat pain. Most people get no symptoms, though.

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10y ago

No, most people have no symptoms for chlamydia. Among women, 80-90% don't get symptoms, and about half of men can have it without symptoms.

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Can trichomoniasis cause painful urination?

Yes; pain during urination is a symptom of chlamydia.

Was there always a cure for chlamydia?

No, there was not always a cure for chlamydia. Antibiotics only became available in the 20th century.

Can painful urination from chlamydia come and go?

Painful urination should go away within a week of gonorrhea antibiotics. If you still have painful urination after a week, contact your health care provider for advice. Antibiotic resistance is an increasing problem in gonorrhea, so you must make this call.

What are the symptoms of chlamydia in a female with a hysterectomy?

Like other females, 80-90% of females with a hysterectomy will have no symptoms from chlamydia. If a woman with a total hysterectomy has chlamydia, she may be infected in the urethra and may have painful urination.

Which infection causes painful urination and an abnormal discharge in men?

Chlamydia infection can cause painful urination and an abnormal discharge in men. It is a common sexually transmitted infection that can be easily treated with antibiotics. If you suspect you have chlamydia, it is important to see a healthcare provider for testing and treatment.

When you get chlamydia will you always have it?

Chlamydia is not for life; it can be treated.

What causes bright yellow semen and painful ejaculation when no supplements were taken?

chlamydia. you may also see blood.

Is chlamydia painful?

Some people have pain. Most women and some men have no symptoms. If you're at risk, get a test even if you don't have pain.

What should you eat if you have chlamydia?

There is no special diet recommended for people with chlamydia, but it's always good to eat nutritious food, get enough rest, and avoid excessive sun, alcohol, and smoking when fighting an infection.No food will cure chlamydia.

How does Cervical cancer affect the Urinary system?

Chlamydia can infect the urethra, the tube that carries urine from the bladder to the outside. This urethritis may cause painful urination or discharge, although 80 to 90% of women and at least 50% of men with chlamydia have no symptoms.

Can chlamydia and and kidney and urinary tract infection have similar symptoms?

Yes. Both chlamydia and urinary tract infection can cause pelvic pain and painful urination. If you have any symptoms of urinary tract, kidney or similar infections of the reproductive organs, you should consult a physician.

Can gay men get chlamydia?

Anyone who is sexually active can acquire chlamydia. This is why it's important to talk to your sexual partner about their sexual history, if they've been tested, and ALWAYS use protection.