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It takes place in the cytoplasm.It is an anerobic process.

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Q: Where does fermentation take place in your muscle cells?
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Where does lactic acid fermentation take place in animal cells?

The Cytoplasm

Where or when in your body might a process like fermentation take place?

Fermentation, or anaerobic metabolism, could take place in the intestines in a healthy individual or it could take place in a deep, puncture wound.

When does fermentation place in your muscles cell?

Fermentation take place in your muscle cell when there is a low supply of oxygen. This is mostly after long hours of workouts which strain the muscles.

Where does lactic acid fermentation take place?

Lactic acid fermentation occurs in muscle cells when there is not enough oxygen for the cells to undergo aerobic respiration. The buildup of lactic acid is what causes muscle pain when you exercise strenuously.

What does fermentation in the muscles produce?

Lactic acid fermentation takes place in human muscle cells when strenuous exercise causes temporary oxygen shortages.

Why not let oxygen in your fermantation bottle?

Fermentation will only take place when oxygen is not available to cells.

List the two type of fermentation and tell where each take place?

The two types of fermentation are alcoholic fermentation, and lactic-acid fermentation. Alcoholic fermentation, occurs in yeast and other single celled organisms. Lactic-acid fermentation occurs in muscle cells. Your muscles use it to create energy when there is not enough oxygen to use for normal respiration.

What does fermentation take place in?

what is the organelles that make alcoholic fermentation ?

Where and why does lactic acid fermentation take place?

Lactic acid fermentation takes place in the mitochondria of muscle cells.

Where does fermentation take place?

in the cytoplasm of the cell

Does fermentation take place with oxygen?


What determines if cellular respiration or fermentation will take place?

The Oxygen molecule determines if the Pyruvic acid enters Krebs cycle or undergoes fermentation. If Oxygen is present, it enters the Krebs cycle, whereas in its absence, it undergoes fermentation.