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Q: Where does folk dancing in the Philippines like the Tinikling take place Do they have special festivals?
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Are there or Were there any festivals or other special ways to celebrate Aphrodite?

Aphrodite was worshiped in the Aphrodisia, Adonia, Hysteria and Anagogia festivals.

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The national festivals are special for one nation or country.. The social ones are known for lots of peaple all over the world..

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Hindus were special clothes at events e.g. festivals weddigs etc...

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the most important thing in the philippines is land . :))

What do religious believers gain from festivals?

Community and a feeling of special favor.

What special events in Italy are there?

Italy has special events each month for various things including food festivals, flower festivals, and the Italian carnival. In March they celebrate that Marriage of Venice to the Sea. Other celebrations include music festivals, woodcarvers fair, and truffle fairs.

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