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Salut. Answer: French is developed from Latin as it was spoken in early Rome. It is actually divided into 3 types; early french; middle french (16e - 18e century); and, modern french. Like english, modern french is heavily integrated with influences from other languages.

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Q: Where does french language originate?
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Rome, Italy.

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Where did the French originate?

Because the LANGUAGE derives from Latin, the actual French people come from the Romans.

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Originally it derived from French languages. :)

Where did the french language originate?

The French language is descended primarily from "Vulgar Latin" and evolved from the Gallo-Romance dialects that were spoken in northern France.

What language does ballet originate?

French. That is why derriere is putting your foot behind because in French it means behind...!!

Which language does the word chaussure originate from?

The word chaussure originates from the French language. Chaussure is feminine in French and typically means that the individual speaking is referring to ones shoes.

Where does the word braille originate from?

Braille was named after the French founder of the written language, Louis Braille.

Did the French language originate in France or in the US?

French language started in France. There were various stands of French, all of them Latin-based, which eventually merged. The first document written "in French" is dated 843, but French evolved a great deal since then.