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A few years ago there lived some small people called AZTECS. They were pretty dumb so it took them a long time to make things. Eventually they made a thing called CHOCOLATE.They all agreed it was delicious. Then they meleted it and made it a DRINK. Over the years it got better and better until they made a substance called HOT CHOCOLATE. And we still make and drink it now. With either cream marshmallows and sprinkles. Or all. Thank you.

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Q: Where does hot chocolate come from?
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Where did hot chocolate come from?

cocao beans

What country and culture did hot chocolate come from?

Hot chocolate is most likely to be situated in belgium considering all the best chocolate comes from there.

Where did the title Like water for Chocolate come from?

In many Latin American cultures water is used in hot chocolate as opposed to milk

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A hot chocolate with hot peppers.

When making hot chocolate how does stirring affect the rate of solvation?

When you stir the hot chocolate it causes the molecules of water to come into contact with more molecules of the chocolate powder. This means that it is more likely for the positive side of the water molecule to come into contact with the negative side of the chocolate molecule and vice versa so that the chocolate molecules are pulled apart more and is therefore dissolved quicker.

Does hot chocolate have have seen?

Hot Chocolate is a hot dark drink. This can be seen.

What is 'Chocolate caliente'?

Caliente is Spanish for "hot" so chocolate caliente is hot chocolate.

What can you make with hot chocolate and ice?

iced hot chocolate

What is a chocolate drink?

Common chocolate drinks are chocolate milk and hot chocolate. Chocolate milk is a mixture of milk, cocoa powder and sugar, served cold. Hot chocolate is either hot chocolate milk or solid chocolate melted in milk.

Te quiero mi chocolate caliente?

I love hot chocolate I love hot chocolate

From what country did the ingredients of chocolate come from?

Well, Mexicans made hot chocolate, but Spain really invented chocloate as we know it today.

Hot Chocolate a hits in 1978?

hits in 1978 for hot chocolate