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Bile flows into the cystic duct and then is stored in the gallbladder where it is concentrated.

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Q: Where does the cystic duct take bile for storage?
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What are cystic fibers?

If you're talking about "fibrocystic" breasts, it means that there are small cysts in the breast tissue that react to things like how much caffeine (makes them worse) or how much fiber (makes them not as bad) you take in. If you're talking about "cystic fibrosis," that is something different.

Why does lymph contain less protein than plasma?

to take proteins from serum to the cysterna chyli / thoracic duct

A food vacuole can take up much of the what of a cell?

A food vacuole can take up much of the space on the inside of the cell. This is because it acts as storage for the cell.

What are the effects of biogas on the environment?

Biogas allow the storage of toxic chemicals to take place. This has a positive effect on the environment because the chemicals are not burned into the atmosphere.

Where does digestion of fat take place in your body?

Lipids are digested and absorbed by a special process. Bile that is secreted by the gallbladder so that it can be absorbed and digested in the small intestine.It breaks down large pieces of fat into smaller pieces by the fat-digesting enzymes from the pancreas. triglycerides and bile form micelles which facilitates abosorbtion.once it is absorbed the bile and triglycerides reassembly and go back to the liver for reuse. Lipids are not water soluble so they are covered in a envelope of phospholipids and protein which forms lipoproteins Lipids provide us with structure and energy, most lipids are triglycerides that are stored in the adipose tissue. The triglycerides the we consume are used sometimes immediately to fuel the body or are stored in the adipose tissue. The adipose tissue is located under the skin and around our internal organs.

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Carries bile into the duodenum?

Bile is made in the liver and passes through bile ducts and into the common hepatic duct which carries it out of the liver. From here, it can pass down the common bile duct into the duodenum or take a detour into the gallbladder via the cystic duct.

How does bile leave the hepatocytes?

The bile produced by hepatocytes drains into canaliculi, which are small channels that take the bile to the bile ductules. These eventually merge to become the common bile duct, which opens into the duodenum (the first part of the small intestine).

What carries biles into the duodenum?

The gallbladder stores bile and when it is needed it is excreted through the common bile duct and joins the duodenum at the ampulla of vater.The gallbladder stores bile and when it is needed it is excreted through the common bile duct and joins the duodenum at the ampulla of vater.Bile is made in the liver and passes through bile ducts and into the common hepatic duct which carries it out of the liver. From here, it can pass down the common bile duct into the duodenum or take a detour into the gallbladder via the cystic duct.bile ductThe bile duct.

Which organ structure is the bile duct?

Bile is produced in the liver and stored in the gall bladder.

What happens in digestion when bile duct is blocked?

if bile duct is completely blocked then the bile juice and bile salt will not be secreted and the digestion of fats will not be done. the food coming from the stomach is acidic and has to be made alkaline for the pancreatic enzymes to act. bile juice from liver accomplishes this in addition to acting on fats. fats are present in the intestine in the form of large globule which makes it difficult for enzymes to act on them. bile salts break them down into smaller globules increasing the efficiency of enzyme action. alll this cannot take place if the bile duct is blocked.

Which ducts drain bile from gallbladder to liver?

A small, pear-shaped muscular sac, located under the right lobe of the liver, in which bile secreted by the liver is stored until needed by the body for digestion. So there you are, sitting at lunch, enjoying some grilled-chicken pizza and a few orange wedges. When you're finished, you take a last drink of milk, wipe your mouth, and head to your next class. In a few minutes you're thinking about the capital of Oregon or your science fair project. You've completely forgotten about that pizza lunch you just ate. But it's still in your stomach --- sort of like a science experiment that happens all the time! by shannon oates-jones united kingdom./birchwood high school

Why do you have bile in your stools after laproscopic cholecystectomy?

Yes, the gallbladder is simple a storage area for bile. The liver produces the bile and stores it in the gallbladder until a fatty meal is comsumed. After a cholecyctectomy, bile produced in the liver travels to the small intestine instead. Diarrhea is often a complications since the bile is continuously draining into the small intestine.

What are facts on cystic fibrosis?

-Doctors take a sweat test to see if you have cystic fibrosis.-About 2,500 babies are born with cystic fibrosis each year.

Will ups take a box with ducktape?

Yes they will take a box with duct tape. Most people use duct tape when they try to send something.

How much pressure does it take to break a strip of duct tape?

Look on Mythbusters. They have a whole episode about duct tape.

How do you treat a clogged tear duct in a dog?

Please take your dog to the vet, how do you know its a clogged tear duct?

How do you make a cupcake out of duct tape?

you take a cupcake wrapper and put duct tape around it. Then you take a large enough ball (not to large and not to small ) make sure it fits perfectly in the holder then wrap it around with duct tape. Simple