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From fuel used in car

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Q: Where does the energy that moves a car come from?
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Why that the car is an ex of kinetic energy?

Kinetic energy is "moving energy". A car moves, it has kinetic energy. In the case of a car crash the energy is released-->smash/bang!!!

What form of energy is generated when gasoline is burned in a car engine and the car moves?

kinetic energy is created

Examples of mechanical energy transforming to mechanical energy?

An example is pushing a toy car you have to push the car and your moving and the car moves also mechanical energy

First car moves at 60km per hour and second car has half the mass of first car as well as it moves at 120km then which has more mementum and which car has more kinetic energy?

Both car have same momentum and Car 2 have more kinetic energy.

What is one useful energy output of a car?

Torque which moves the car down the road.

What kind of energy in car engine?

Chemical energy is being converted to thermal energy which is then converted to mechanical energy and finally to kinetic energy which moves the car. Kinetic energy is then converted to thermal energy in the brakes to stop the car.

What happens to the thermal energy in a car?

The cooling system moves the heat (thermal energy) to the air.

What type of energy moves a vehicle?

Mechanical Energy, because of the movement of the car. however, when idling, there is potential energy.

What type of energy is gas when a car goes on a highway?

Chemical energy (stored in the bonds of the molecules). When it burns, a lot of that energy becomes heat and a lot of that heat gets converted to internal energy as the hot combusted gas products reach high pressure with increasing temperature. The pressure pushes the pistons (kinetic energy) which translates to mechanical energy, which moves the car - which has kinetic energy as it moves.

What happens to the wasted thermal energy in a car?

The cooling system moves the heat (thermal energy) to the air.

Where does the energy needed to start a car come from?

Car's normally get their energy from gasoline, or a similar fuel - which stores the energy as chemical energy.

A car moves how?

You turn the key, the car has energy from the petrol that makes the wheels move, this movement turns the tires and then the car moves, slowly at first but then it makes a move by using the petrol. This is CO2.