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Abolitionist John Brown bought a farm in Maryland with New England abolitionists money. He used an assumed name. He tried but failed to lead a slave revolt near Harper's Ferry Virginia in 1859. He was hanged for treason.

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Q: Where in the US did John Brown try to lead a slave revolt?
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Who lead a slave revolt?

Spartacus, John Brown.

What abolitionist tried to lead a slave revolt in Harpers Ferny?

John Brown

Who lead the slave revolt against plantation owners in Virginia?

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Who led the slave revolt in Virgina?

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The abolitionist who tried to lead a revolt at harpers ferry in 1859?

=John Brown (abolitionist)=

John Brown?

An abolitionist who attempted to lead a slave revolt by capturing Armories in southern territory and giving weapons to slaves, was hung in Harpers Ferry after capturing an Armory

Why did abolitionist Frederick Douglass refuse to join John Brown's conspiracy to incite a slave revolt?

Douglass did meet with John Brown and could have been charged with conspiracy. But Douglass thought the idea of a "slave war" was a mistake, one that would lead to reprisals and the deaths of innocent slaves.

Who is the abolitionist who tried to lead a revolt at Harper's Ferry in 1859?

John Brown

Who planned to lead a southern slave revolt in 1860?

im pretty sure it was John Brown, he was a violent abolitionist that gave slaves guns and told them to attack white people.

What was John Brown's attack that killed 5 men called?

John Brown's Raid John Brown attacked the Federal Armory at Harper's Ferry, VA, in hopes to gathering weapons to initiate a slave revolt. His raid was quickly stopped by Marine soldiers who were lead by a Colonel Robert E. Lee and an aide J.E.B. Stuart.

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How are John brown and nat turner alike?

They both lead separate slave rebellions.