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Fermentation, or anaerobic metabolism, could take place in the intestines in a healthy individual or it could take place in a deep, puncture wound.

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In your muscle Lactic Acid.

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Q: Where or when in your body might a process like fermentation take place?
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What type of fermentation takes place in your body muscles?

lactic acid fermentation

When might your body perform fermentation processes?

Heavy exercise.

Is fermentation a process that releases energy without using oxygen?

Yes, Fermentation is a process used when your body is lacking oxygen, like when you have been running for awhile and you are tired and breathing heavly, Fermentation is releasing energy into your body without taking that small amount of oxygen.

Where is the process of fermentation occurring in eukaryote cells?

In the muscles of a body while doing exercises or else.

What process takes place in plants and animals to release energy?

Cell respiration and lactic acid fermentation release energy in the body. While cell respiration requires oxygen, fermentation does not. However, the buildup of lactic acid causes much pain in the body's muscles.

When the body needs to exercise for long periods of time it generates ATP by what process?

Lactic Acid Fermentation

How do body cells survive if no respiration takes place?

In the absence of respiration cells wiil survive because of fermentation and they will get energy from it.

What process takes place in muscle cells when they do not get enough oxygen?

Lactic Acid Fermentation

List the two type of fermentation and tell where each take place?

The two types of fermentation are alcoholic fermentation, and lactic-acid fermentation. Alcoholic fermentation, occurs in yeast and other single celled organisms. Lactic-acid fermentation occurs in muscle cells. Your muscles use it to create energy when there is not enough oxygen to use for normal respiration.

What function do co-enzymes have in respiration?

Coenzyme-A is the most active metabolic enzyme in the human body. Fermentation is a process whereby a cell can achieve redox balance.

What is anaerobic digestion process?

This is a digestion process in the absence of oxygen. This process however do not take place in the living body.

What is exogenic processes?

Process that takes place outside of the body