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The original building has long gone, andall that is left are the foundations and layout of the building, as a memorial to those who died there. There are a few photographs of the former building.

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The camp was near the small town of Chelmno, which is in northern Poland, on the River Nehr. Please see the link.

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Nothern Poland :)

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Q: What is Chelmno concentration camp today?
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What food did they eat at Chelmno?

they didn't it was a extermination camp not a concentration camp

What type of execution was used in the chelmno concentration camp?

Gassing in vans. The exahust fumes were directed into the enclosed vans.

Where was the extermination camp Chelmno?

The extermination camp Chelmno was located near Chełmno nad Nerem; in Poland.

How long did Chelmno extermination camp operate?

Chelmno The extermination camp operated from December 1941 till March 1943.

Who did was in charge with Chelmno concentration camp?

Chelmno was a killing centre and not a conventional camp. There were only two (!) known survivors, one of the being a Piepel ...

How many barrack did chelmno death camp have?

Their was 4 big ones and 1 little barracks in Chelmno.

Chelmno death camp's main purpose?

The sole purpose of Chelmno was extermination by gassing in closed vans.

Why did historians have a hard time agreeing with the first death camp?

They had no problem. The first extermination camp was Chelmno, which began regular, routine mass gassings on 8 December 1941. The aim at Chelmno was to kill all new arrivals as soon as practical - usually within 24 hours. Some confusion may come up with the 'Action Reinhard camps', as Chelmno (nor Auschwitz) was not included in these. Also Auschwitz as a concentration camp was set up first, but the part of Auschwittz (Birkenau) that was a death camp was not on-line by then.

Who operated the camp of chelmno?

It was operated by the SS and SD.

What events took place in chelmno during the Holocaust?

Chelmno was an extermination camp. There are only two known survivors.

How many people starved in chelmno concentration camp?

Practically none starved. Chlemno was the first Nazi extermination camp and the aim was to gas all new arrivals as soon as practical - usually within 24 hours.

Who was equipped to kill 6000 people daily during the Holocaust?

it was the chelmno concentration camp it was equipped with the best technology of that day with champers almost as big as a 3 story house