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Brackish water is found anywhere fresh water mixes with sea water. Where rivers meet the ocean in bays or deltas is a common locus for brackish water.

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15y ago
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11y ago

Brackish water is found where salt and fresh water combine

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8y ago

A brackish water contain 0,05-3 % sodium chloride.
Examples: isolated seas, some lakes, marshes, mangroves, estuaries.

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Will it kill a goldfish to change it from fresh to brackish water?

possibly because brackish is a mixture of fresh and salt water and goldfish cant live in salt water so yeah most likely.

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No. Most brackish water is associated with the ocean. Usually a tidal river estuary.

What is an area of water where there is both salt and fresh water?

In an area where there is both salt water and fresh water, the water is called brackish.

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It will most likely die. Only a few species of plants can thrive on salt or brackish water.

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Do rivers or water vapor contain the most water?

Rivers contain the most WATER.... The water vapor, however, covering a lot of the atmosphere, contain the most H20-molekyls .

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