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Q: Where is edit room on YoVille?
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Wheres edit room on YoVille?

Click on the chair in the row of icons on the bottom left.

Move furniture to a house in YoVille?

You go to your apartment or house. Then click on Edit Room and then decorate the room or rooms

How do you change the carpet on YoVille?

You go to your house on YoVille. next, click "Edit Room" After that, click on "My Stuff" When you are there, you click Set Wall and Floor Pattern" in the blue box.

Does cloning on YoVille still work?

no not anymore u could clone an item while in edit room but when u save it the cloned ones disappear

How do you get white board on YoVille?

go to edit room *then press gifts and flowers 8 then click on toys and games and buy the white board for 3000c

When you buy your first house in YoVille on Facebook can you take your existing furniture from your starter home with you?

what you do is, go to your old home and click edit room then you save it. Then you go to you new home and then click the same thing which is edit room then you can take the furniture from there and add it to your house.

How do you buy new wall designs in your apartment on YoVille?

to buy them you visit the yo-depot. to place the in your room, go onto edit room, your stuff and at the top click wall and floor designs

How do you get in the DJ booth on yoville?

Stand wherever you want the booth to be. Then click edit room and put the booth on top of where you were standing. Then when you push done, you will be in it(: Hope this helps!

How do you move your pet to your new house in YoVille?

Go into edit mode and drag your pet into your inventory then go to the room in your new house that you want to place your pet go back into edit mode and drag your pet into that room. It's just like placing furniture.

Can you get room mates on yoville Facebook?

no you can not

How do you deactivate your Facebook YoVille account?

go to facebook applications at the bottom action bar then click edit then click on yoville and delete

How do you get in a locked YoVille room?

You wait for it to be unlocked.