

Best Answer

The common nouns in the sentence are:

  • teacher
  • story
  • giants
  • witches
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Q: Where is the common noun in your teacher read us a story about giants and witches?
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Related questions

Where there ever any witches?

No but there is a story called Roahl Dahl The witches.

Who are the bad guys in fairy tales?

The bad guys in fairy tales are typically depicted as villains or antagonists who create conflict or obstacles for the protagonist. They can take many forms, such as witches, evil stepmothers, or monsters, and their actions often drive the plot of the story.

What story talks about the three witches?

Shakespeare's "Macbeth" .

Are there any evil true stories of evil witches?

No. Witches are not real, thus a story about them (evil or not) cannot be true.

In the story the witches by roald dahl did the witches want to kill all children or just the ones in England?

In the story "The Witches" by Roald Dahl, the witches wanted to eliminate all children because they saw them as a threat to their plans. Their goal was to get rid of children by turning them into mice so they could be exterminated more easily.

What kind of play is forever witches?

"Forever Witches" is a play that combines elements of drama, fantasy, and magic. It follows the story of a group of witches who are eternal and explores themes of power, sisterhood, and immortality.

Why is the witches' Sabbath the climax of the story?

The witches' Sabbath is often portrayed as the climax of a story because it represents a dramatic confrontation between the forces of good and evil. It is a pivotal moment where the protagonist's moral compass is tested and the ultimate outcome of the story is determined. The intensity and darkness of the witches' Sabbath also serve to heighten the tension and suspense of the narrative.

What is the object pronoun used to replace for the class in the teacher told the class a story?

The teacher told them a story.

What does the first witches story tell us about the witches' powers and personalities in Macbeth?

The first witches' story introduces us to the witches' supernatural powers, such as their ability to control the weather and predict the future. It also hints at their deceptive and manipulative personalities, as they mention their intent to meet Macbeth on the heath. Overall, it sets the stage for the influence they will have on Macbeth's actions throughout the play.

Is there a cat in Roald Dahl's Witches?

Yes, there is a cat in Roald Dahl's "The Witches." The cat is an important character in the story and plays a significant role in helping the young boy defeat the witches.

What was the Grandma's name in the story 'The Witches'?

Helga Eveshim was the first name of the Norwegian grandmother in the story 'The Witches'. The grandson's name was Luke Eveshim. The story was written by Welsh author Roald Dahl [September 13, 1916-November 23, 1990]. Dahl was born in Wales to Norwegian parents.

From what narrative perspective i the Witches by roald Dahl written?

"The Witches" by Roald Dahl is written from a first-person narrative perspective. The story is narrated by the main character, a young boy, who recounts his encounters with witches and the terrifying adventures that unfold. This narrative style allows the readers to follow the story through the eyes and experiences of the protagonist.