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The food is kept in special frozen areas. This helps keeping the food from withering.

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Q: Where is the food kept in a space shuttle?
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Where is all the food kept in a space shuttle?

yes it is xx === ===

Is there food on a space shuttle?


Is space food hot?

Space food is in frozen state. It can be made hot in the space shuttle itself.

What does the space shuttle provide the astronauts with in space?

food, water, and equipment

What is space food like these days?

Space food these days is nutritious and small. It is because there is limited space on the shuttle.

What do you need to survive in the space shuttle?

you need everything in space shuttle a oxygen to breathe,dry and packed food to eat,

How does the space shuttle store its food?

in the storage spot!!

What should i expect to find in a space shuttle?

space suit and dried food

Does a space shuttle have an oven?

No. All of the astronauts food is pre-made and packaged. This eliminates the need for cleanup or damage to the space shuttle's instrumentation.

What is space food like?

Space food is dehydrated in order to greatly reduce the weight of the food because space and weight are prime real estate on a space shuttle.

How does food get to the Iss?

food gets to the iss by space shuttle missions. They send the food by spaceship

what is Space like?

Space food is dehydrated in order to greatly reduce the weight of the food because space and weight are prime real estate on a space shuttle.