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the poem applys to the characters because Pony and Johnny are gold because everything are new to them but Two-bit, Tim, Darry, Steve and more character espeacility Dallas were gold but not any more.

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10y ago

The setting that the poem had happened is on page 69 in the Outsiders book and it says about how Ponyboy Curtis recite the poem to Johnny Cade about it before he is actually curious about how he learned about that poem from as well.

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Weelll , iLearned In 6th Grade That Hue Means Color....

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Q: What does hue mean in Robert Frost's poem Nothing Gold Can Stay?
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What poem ponyboy quote in the outside?

i believe it was nothing gold can stay by Robert frost

Who wrote a poem called 'Nothing Gold Can Stay'?

'Nothing Gold Can Stay' was written by Robert Frost

What is the poem that ponyboy recites in The Outsiders?

The poem is called 'nothing gold can stay' by Robert Frost.

What poet wrote nothing gold can stay?

Robert Frost

Which movie was there a Robert Frost poem?

The movie "The Outsiders" includes a Robert Frost poem, "Nothing Gold Can Stay," recited by the character Johnny.

When was the poem Nothing Gold Can stay made?

Nothing Gold Can Stay represents that nothing innocent can stay for long. For example, as Robert Frost states, some of the first things in nature are gold (like a sunrise). The gold eventually fades away from its beauty.

What does ponyboy recite to johnny?

Nothing Gold Can Stay Nature's first green is gold, Her hardest hue to hold. Her early leaf's a flower, But only so an hour. Then leaf subsides to leaf, So Eden sank to grief, So dawn goes down to day, Nothing gold can stay.

Who is Poneyboy's favorie poet in the book The Outsiders?

Robert frost...nothing gold can stay

Who Wrote this poem of of Nothing Gold can Say?

It is nothing gold can stay by the way Robert Frost wrote it he is my favorite and Maya Angelou as well :D

What characters in the book are or were gold in the outsider?

Ponyboy because when Johnny Cade dies he told him,"Stay gold Pony," and he dies. Pony remebers the poem Nothing Gold Can Stay by Robert Frost and it reminds him of the sunset.

Why does johnnys remark about the sunset remind ponyboy of Robert frosts poem?

He never really understood the poem until he saw the sunset.

What is the tone of Nothing Gold Can Stay?

The tone of "Nothing Gold Can Stay" by Robert Frost is reflective and contemplative. The poem explores the fleeting nature of beauty and youth, conveying a sense of melancholy and acceptance of life's transience.