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squirrels eat nuts, foxes eat squirrels

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Q: Where is the squirrel in the food chain?
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What is example of food chain?

A squirrel eats a berry, a bird eats the squirrel, a turkey eats the bird, and a human eats the turkey.

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it would change from a northern flying squirrel to the northern falling squirrel

Where do squirrel fall in the food chain?

right above the acorn...and below the brown bear..

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What is a food chain that starts with an acorn?

Well first off, the Sun starts every food chain. Then the Suns nutrience goes to the acorn tree. A squirrel eats the acorn. The squirrel gets eaten by a fox, the fox gets eaten by a wolf. The wolf dies and decomposers break down the nutrience of the wolfs body into the ground.Examples of decomposers:wormsmaggotsbacteriafungus

What is the name of the diagram that shows various food chains?

Animal food chains: planton ;fish ;and bear insect food chains:grass;grasshopper;squirrel;rabbit plant food chains:grass;grasshopper;grass and berries; rabbit;berries;bear

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A food web is a diagram that shows the feeding relationships between organisms in an ecosystem.

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It is a food chain.

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A Mekong food chain is a food chain of the Mekong region